Recap: project seminar about urban ageing and mobility transitions

On September 8th, 2023 the GRATET research group (Territorial Analysis and Tourism Studies) organised a scientific seminar about urban mobility transitions and age-inclusion in Barcelona.

“The simultaneity of the demographic transition, deepen­ing urbanisation, a technological revolution, frequent shocks brought on by health and climate emergencies mean that we need to plan for an older and more urban future” (Das et al., 2022, p.2; cited by S Yarker)

The seminar represents a scientific event of the ENTOURAGE project, awarded to the Universitat Rovira I Virgili, which has studied the transformations and impediments to urban mobility in cities with high tourist attraction, and their effects on the inclusion of the older population. The event also featured additional academic interventions by experts on topics related to urban ageing, tourism and mobility in the city of Barcelona and beyond. This programme is the fruit of a collective effort between the ENTOURAGE project, its partners, and other ongoing or recently completed research projects.

After the opening words of ENTOURAGE’s principal investigator Prof Antonio Paolo Russo, we dived deeper into the relevance of population ageing in current discussions about urban transitions. Guest speaker Dr Sophie Yarker provided the opening keynote titled “Urban Ageing: A Spatial Justice Approach”, which introduced us to the need to create cities that are good places for people to grow older using a spatial justice approach. Dr Yarker is a Research Fellow in Sociology at the University of Manchester and the Co-Deputy Director of the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG), the group which acted as secondment partner throughout the development of the ENTOURAGE project.

Source: ENTOURAGE project
Source: ENTOURAGE project

The second part of the seminar provided an overview of the main results of the ENTOURAGE project, focusing on the active mobility experience of older adults in tourist cities. The presentation was divided into three parts: a conceptual background that links urban ageing with mobility transitions and touristification, project results about tourism impacts on later life mobilities and results about the uses and experiences of cycling mobility in Barcelona. The results about cycling in Barcelona included a conversation with Ester Castejón, study participant and cycling YouTuber, who shared her first-hand experience of learning and maintaining cycling in the city of Barcelona.

Source: ENTOURAGE project
Source: ENTOURAGE project

The third part of the seminar included highlights of ongoing research in the field of social inclusion in a variety of urban transitions in Barcelona, showing the key messages and recommendations for academic research and for policy. The presentations by four Barcelona-based experts drew important lines between ENTOURAGE project and wider urban challenges, such as isolation and immobility, urban vitality, mobilities of care, and digital inclusion. These contributions are the fruit of the collaborations between ENTOURAGE and other research projects, such as VISITMOB (led by URV) and GRANBCN (led by UAB). We had the pleasure to hear the following four presenters:

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